Back pain — a common disorder of the spine caused by degenerative changes in the structure of the cartilage Discs and the bony framework. Pathology usually manifests itself after the age of 30.

Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease can be different, which significantly complicates the process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Feature of the disease
The neck part consists of a vertebrae and nerve endings. Osteochondrosis this area at the time of re-birth-Band Kernel. The pathology of flows relates to the nerves and important blood vessels.
The illness is well camouflaged among other injuries, such as degenerative disc disease symptoms are characterized by attacks of headache, as well as the occurrence of significant discomfort in the neck area. Patients complain of problems with blood pressure, and nausea. Often many confuse vessels of a similar character with the diseases of the heart and blood.
Often on the background of the problems, the Patient starts to fall dramatically in powerlessness, there is a chard of air, and numbness of the tongue. To diagnose especially in the disease in people after the age of 30 years, in connection with the permanent dynamic and static loads. Lately, similar disturbances also occur in young people.
Degree of development
Symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is largely dependent on the degree of development of the disease. In the first Phase of the disturbed nutrition of the cartilage, resulting in the production of certain enzymes, which have a devastating impact. The person feels a strong discomfort. Help get rid of these symptoms, daily morning exercise.
In the second stage of the harmful effects of pathological enzymes is constantly increasing, and the body begins to develop inflammation. Cartilage wears down gradually, and the vertebrae abut against each other, zadamlya nerve endings. Painful feelings are becoming more pronounced. The Person will be very difficult to work.
In the third stage begin to form new growths and growths on the bone to use. Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in this case, manifest themselves in the Form of intense painful sensations. A metabolic disorder, i.e. on the spine, in the area of the durchflieens of inflammation, occurs in the salt begin deposited. The process of ossification of the vertebral body, which is incident to a gradual development of the intervertebral disc begins.

You can not always immediately the stage of the disease determine the disease according to the existing symptoms of cervical degenerative disc, because the degree of destruction of the tissue, not necessarily this characteristics.
Before you determine, symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, you need to understand exactly which factors influence on the formation of the pathological process. On the development of the disease pathological and physiological processes, which are closely connected to each other and, above all, in their entirety, be considered influence.
Physiological changes triggered by age-related tissue are irreversible processes in the cartilage. Discomfort arises in case of irritation of the nerves. Pathological changes caused by the wrong diet and lack of exercise. Especially such disorders are among the young and middle-aged people.
In some cases of osteochondrosis may also be taken alone or manifests itself in the Form of short-term disruptions. The most important triggering factors are listed below:
- Chard in regular physical activity;
- overweight;
- frequent stay in an uncomfortable position;
- the wrong pillow or mattress;
- nervous surge;
- Under cooling;
- Injuries of the neck and of the neck.
The reason for the development of degenerative diseases diseases disc a congenital malformations, as well as various types of auto-immune.
The primary symptoms

In the neck area of many blood vessels and nerve ends. It the symptoms the degenerative disc is for this reason, diseases of the cervical and thoracic spine, the connection with the ischemia of the individual sections of the brain. Apart from that, the nerves, the motor function and sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and the upper extremities, in the pressing together of the destroyed vertebrae provoke different symptoms. Symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease to a large extent, on which System is affected in the pathological process. In particular, one can highlight such characters:
- a disturbance of the micro circulation of the blood when the vertebral arteries press;
- Signs of damage to the nerve endings;
- severe neurotic pathology in advanced cases.
The first Symptom of schejno breast osteochondrosis of the spine is the neck, presence of pain in the neck, and collar area. Localization of pain expanded, resulting in strong migraine can be and more. The character of the pain is largely dependent on the lesion and the severe forms of pathology. For the initial stages of the development of the disease can happen quickly, pain gradually becomes chronic, nagging. In the period of acute pain is shooting, it increases the Tonus of the muscles of the neck and observed the restriction of the movement of the head.
The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in women and men to be able to distinguish the presence of Tinnitus, and nasal congestion. In some cases, is hard of hearing. All of these symptoms are associated with the decrease in the blood flow.
Also among the main features are the following:
- Dizziness,
- Pressure drop,
- Chard in air,
- nausea,
- For the visually impaired.
Dizziness as a Symptom of schejno-thoracic osteochondrosis. A violation of blood flow to the organs, the balance of the body. Chard can be it as a result of the irritation of the nerves, involved in the regulation of the breathing process. Patients often complain that they breathe deeply. In some cases, symptoms seizures worsened to severe shortness of breath or asthma.
Lack of oxygen, associated with impaired breathing, is the primary cause of fatigue, reduction of attention and problems with memory. In some cases, by disorders of blood circulation in certain parts of the brain can be nausea,. Sometimes it can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss.
The symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine manifest themselves in the Form of a deterioration of the visual acuity. But such a violation occurs very rarely. It is worth noting that the implementation of physiotherapy and the wearing of glasses will give the desired result, and the eyesight improved only after the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Unstable pressure due to circulatory disorders in the area of the brain responsible for the functioning of the vaso-motor centre. In some cases, there may be a slight increase in the temperature, and a local redness of the skin.
It is very important to identify in good time the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease. A feeling of discomfort and pain does not always occur, therefore, it is important for a timely, comprehensive investigation and expert treatment. It is worth noting that in the case of each patient, crunch, and a characteristic cracking noise observed when moving the neck and it is precisely on this basis, you can see the course of the disease.
If you have symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment must start immediately, just as it is advisable to immediately consult with a neurologist. To determine the cause of the existing symptoms is not necessarily a comprehensive examination is required.
During the inspection, with the implementation of the neurological Tests, the doctor assesses the degree of mobility and pain in the area of the neck, as well as the peculiarities of the blood flow in the vertebral artery. The most important methods of diagnosis, the following is highlighted:
- x-ray of the vertebrae of the cervical spine,
- Discography,
- Tomography,
- Myelography,
- Ultrasound-Doppler-Sonography.
All of this allows the localization of lesions and the degree of neglect of the disease, and also to pick up the most effective scheme of therapy. The treatment sufficiently long and requires patience.
Complete restoration of the cartilaginous structures is not possible, but there is the possibility to significantly improve the quality of life and get rid of chronic pain. A very important progression of the disease, for tracking, if necessary, adjust the treatment program to predict and possible improvements or complications.
The peculiarity of the treatment
Regardless of the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease symptoms with the help of conservative methods, and it is becoming more and more complex. The use of medicines requires, in particular:
- anti-inflammatory drugs,
- Analgesics,
- Corticosteroids,
- Muscle relaxants,
- Vitamin complexes.

In severe cases, novocaine Blockade, appointed in the area of greatest pain. Sometimes the introduction of hormonal agent shows. In addition, the local treatment, which requires the use of ointments and gels. A good effect of physiotherapy, and physiotherapy. Such techniques allow you to very quickly and effectively, the muscles of the neck. However, the application is, you may only be after resolution of the acute period
The enlargement of the lumen between the vertebrae of the Hardware elongation of the spine. In severe cases, the conduct of the Operation must, but the corresponding measured values must.
The therapy can be complemented with the wearing orthopedic collar of a trench. Due to the permanent fixation of the cervical vertebrae treatment is done much faster. This device allows for a faster overcoming of the painful sensations, normalize the blood circulation in the neck area and improves the General health of the patient.
Drug Therapy
Depending on the symptoms of the schejno-thoracic osteochondrosis treatment drugs selected individually. The therapy aims at eliminating the pain of inflammation, but also the return of normal mobility of the vertebrae and the blood circulation.
The most important groups of drugs are listed below:
- Analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- chondroprotectors;
- Muscle relaxants — relaxes the muscles and are considered as a tool for the elimination of pain;
- vitamin complexes.
Be required by the agent for external application, you can use in the Form of ointments and gels. A good effect Nurofen and Voltaren have "". They help to normalize the blood circulation, eliminate pain and spasm and produce warming effect.
Helps the symptoms of cervical cancer, eliminate degenerative disc of the spine, treatment of drugs diseases, the normalization of cerebral circulation. To improve the metabolic processes in the brain, as well as the recovery of thinking and memory nootropics are.
Physiotherapy Techniques
Quickly and effectively help the elimination of existing symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease home treatment with a special physiotherapy. In addition to the physiotherapy and the use of drugs, in a series of activities, the following methods, includes the effects of:

- vytjagivanie of a backbone,
- Massage,
- physio therapeutic effect.
Traction of the spine and increase the spaces between the vertebrae. It is noted, however, that the load must be metered. The action takes place in different ways, in particular, with special tables.
Very good results there Massage. This procedure normalizes tissue blood circulation, nutrition and gas exchange of the cartilage. In addition to this, with the help of Massage you can get rid of overexertion of the muscles and spasms, eliminate, pain.
Physio therapeutic effect requires the use of different Tools such as:
- Laser treatment,
- the magnetic field,
- Ultrasound,
- Low-Frequency Current.
In some cases, medicines are valid in combination with physiotherapy impact, which increases the efficiency and avoids the formation of undesired events.
Acupuncture allows you to raise or a pair of brakes, the processes in the body due to the action on the biologically active points. The highest effectiveness of all these measures it is achieved, if their complex application.
People's Techniques
Upon the occurrence of the first symptoms of cervical degenerative disc treatment at home disease requires the use of healing baths, to quickly relieve the pain and inflammation to eliminate. Apart from that, they contribute to the relaxation of the spine. Water applications should is about the day and the course of therapy 15-20 procedures.
In the water bath, the broth can peppermint, chamomile, birch, lemon balm or sage to add. For the intake of yarrow tincture is a good choice because it helps to eliminate the inflammation quickly, pain and cramps. As a compress, you can use the solution of sea salt. Quickly help eliminate the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc treatment at home diseases, however, prior to the application of Tools and techniques is absolutely necessary, consult a doctor to avoid complications.
The implementation of the prophylaxis

The best way of prevention is a healthy way of life, as well as the formation of an attitude since childhood. With the goal of preventing recommended:
- Adjustment of the power supply;
- the use of orthopedic pillows and mattress to sleep on;
- smooth weight lifting.
The original Form of the disease usually has no distinct symptoms. Upon the occurrence of painful pressure in the region of the sternum, you need to consult a doctor immediately.